Everything starts with a dream The dream to build and operate our own dive boat was slowly nurtured during the time some of us were working as a dive instructor on various dive boats and across different dive destinations in Indonesia. The dream finally became reality when Maik Solf, owner of Aquaventure Germany, became our first business partner bringing along a wealth of experience organizing dive expeditions in Indonesia. A Dream... In August 2008 began the construction of "Amira" in the South of Indonesia, in Bira. The Amira is made entirely out of wood according to ancient Pinisi tradition. The ship builders, all originating from the same village, have passed on the art of ship building from generation to generation. becomes reality In September 2009 over the course of six, exciting weeks, the Amira was moved from the dock into the water using ancient but technically brilliant techniques. During the following year, the interior and final construction was completed in the port of Bira. A dreamboat... our diveboat! Amira. Build by divers for divers. The most spacious wooden dive boat in Indonesia with a dedicated dive deck, 11 guest cabins, beautiful indonesian decoration and a very professional and dedicated crew.